unleash the power of inspiration...

                                         unleash the power of inspiration...

There's something about Mary

I love how we all have quirks and how, as we get to know somebody, it seems that its those quirks that we find most endearing about our friends and families. One of my quirks is that I have a thing for carousels, although I'm really not sure if people find it endearing or not....I certainly hope that they do.

A number of years ago when I was reading Julia Cameron's work I was taken with one of the exercises that she suggests. It involves making a list of the books and films that we read and saw as children, especially the ones that made a big impact on you and that you have never forgotten. It's a way of unearthing the kind of stories that you find meaningful. When I wrote mine down I was reminded that the first film I ever remember seeing on the big screen was Mary Poppins. I went with my Mum and my aunt and it was very special. After seeing the film I asked for a Mary Poppins bag and the lady down the street who made toys made one for me in green. I would proudly carry it around while wearing a straw hat decorated with purple flowers perloined from my grandmother's dressing-up box. But of course however great my bag was, it was never as magical as Mary's. 

It seems that from that time on I have spent my life carrying the kind of bag that you can delve into in any circumstance and find just what you need at that moment; a band-aid, a fan, a flashlight and so on. One time when I was at Stitches West Gwen Bortner even called me her own Mary Poppins as I managed to produce the items that she needed while she hurried to finish a project (she didn't even know about my love for Mary). 

So back to the carousels... whenever I come across one I simply have to ride it. But not just by myself, I'll drag whoever is with me at the time along. This is why I'm not sure if my friends find this quirk endearing or not. I have persuaded kids to go on with me acting as my "cover" for riding, I have insisted that my parents accompany me...this was when they were in their 70s. And recently I twisted the arms of three men who I was with on a day out and are all, shall we say 40+, to ride a carousel we discovered in a park. Once they realized that I was determined to go on they were somewhat amused by the whole thing especially when I explained my reason. You see I have come to the realization that, even though my intellect tells me that it's impossible, I secretly harbour the thought that maybe one day I will uncover a carousel where the horses will leave the confines of the ride and go bobbing off across the countryside like they do in the film.  In short I still believe in the magic that was conjured for me when I was a little girl.

I hope that you enjoy the photos! 

This month I am showing you photos that I have taken right in my neighbourhood, all taken within a 10-15 minute walk of my home, hoping to demonstrate that beauty and inspiration surround us even in the everyday and can be found right under our noses.

Please check back next month to find out what my latest fascination is.

See you next month      
Fiona xxxx

On-line, On-nine
Monthly post on the 9th of each month! 
On-line, On-nine  July 9th 2016

This year as the news, both personal and global, seems to be increasingly sad and heartbreaking I am managing to find some solace to try to balance it out by spending some time focusing on my dreams and imagination. The struggles are of course super important but it's also important to continue to find the joy in our lives!

This month's post is a day late because I wanted to add this:

Yesterday my lovely husband surprised me with a trip to a brand new carousel that just opened last week in Markham -a town just north of Toronto, [he had no idea I was planning this post either]. I was completely enthralled by it! It is called the Pride of Canada Carousel and was commissioned by a development company as part of their obligation to the local community. Each sculpture is made from reclaimed objects with each piece a representation of something Canadiana. The artist,  Patrick Amiot, and his wife, Brigitte Laurent, who painted each piece, are originally from Montreal, but now work out of California. This piece of art is it totally charming and TONS of fun. If you happen to live nearby I totally recommend that you go to see (and ride) it.

PS I rode the Mountie...who has the head of a broom as his moustache.